....गुल्मी चिहाउने एउटा सानो झ्याल

Gautam Awarded.

Published on 2:16:00 PM //

Gulmi Darshan
Chintamani Nimkala Bhusal Pratisthan (CNBP) here on Monday honored Ghanashyam Gautam with journalism award. Gautam was conferred with "Chintamani Nimkala Bhusal Journalism Award" for his contribution to society as a journalist. CNBP had introduced this new award category at the request of Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ) from this year. Coinciding with the second general assembly of FNJ here, Gautam was awarded with a purse of rupees 2 thousand and 55, along with an appreciation letter and shawl. Radio Nepal correspondent Chabbilal BK was also awarded by FNJ in the program.


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