....गुल्मी चिहाउने एउटा सानो झ्याल

Micro hydro power project completed

Published on 4:30:00 AM //

Construction of the Nistikhola micro hydro project has been completed at Neta Village Development Committee (VDC) in Gulmi district. The project with the capacity of generating 22.5 Kilowatts of electric power was constructed at a total cost of Rs. 10.5m. The cost for the construction of project was funded by Rural Economic Development Association (REDA), Palpa and the voluntary labour support from the locals. One hundred and 91 households at ward number 3 and 4 of Neta VDC and ward number 9 of Doholi VDC have been illuminated after the completion of the project.


1 comment

  1. its great for gulmeli. like this micro project other project should be construct in future which help to development our district


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