....गुल्मी चिहाउने एउटा सानो झ्याल

Govt bears burden of peace‚ statute: Minister Sharma

Published on 2:30:00 PM //

Minister for Education Dina Nath Sharma has stated on Friday that the principal chore of the incumbent government is to guarantee a logical end to the peace process and propel the task of drafting a new statute.


Speaking at an occasion organised to mark the 29th anniversary of Resunga Multiple Campus, minister Sharma said, “Once the peace process is brought to a logical conclusion and a new statute is promulgated, the ongoing transitional period would eventually come to an end.

Urging everyone not to get confused by the transitional politics, which appears bleaker and at mess, the Maoist leader also made it clear that the government will leave no stone unturned to forge national consensus over the issues of peace, statute and power sharing in the transitional period.

He however emphasized on providing transparent and effective services to the general people.
Source: The Himalayan Times (THT)

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